Current Version: 1.1.0. macOS 10.12+ (including Sonoma beta!).
Get the PRO version here. Already owner of Turbo Boost Switcher PRE? Reach me including your current key and/or receipt to get a launch offer discount when getting the PRO version of Power Mode Switcher.
- Mac with Low Power Mode (you can look for it on your System Preferences or run the pmset -g command on a terminal of macOS Monterey and see if a line lowpowermode appears).
- macOS Monterey
What’s this?
Power Mode Switcher is a little app that runs on your status bar and allows you to start / stop macOS Low Power Mode directly. You can also check at anytime which mode is being used and let the app do the work for you if using PRO version and the auto modes included with it.
- Know at anytime if Low Power Mode is enabled or not.
- Change Power Mode directly from your status bar.
- Asks for root password only once.
- Notifications.
- Start Lower Power Mode when logging in.
- Apps auto mode to start / stop Low Power Mode depending on running apps.
- Battery auto mode to start / stop Low Power Mode depending on battery remaining time & charging status.
- … and more to come! This is just starting :).

Simple! Keep saving battery, reducing noise if any and keeping your Mac cooler when doing high CPU demanding tasks now with a new feature introduced with macOS Monterey.
Besides, Apple discontinued Intel® chips and, at the same time, included a new Low Power Mode (starting at Monterey) compatible with both Intel® an M1 chips that reduces the clock speed dynamically, dims the screen, etc.
.. and finally, you asked! A lot of you have been mailing this months about the possibility to use something similar from status bar, but when using M1 chips… so here it is! and best of all, you can use it on Intel® chips as long as you run over macOS Monterey or above.
Which one to use?
Well.., it depends!
If you’re using an Apple Chip, no doubt, upgrade to macOS Monterey and start using Low Power Mode when needed, and this app to make things easier if you want/need to.
If you’re on an Intel® Chip, well, then it depends on which version of macOS are you able to run on your Mac. If using a version older than Monterey then Low Power Mode is not available, therefore Turbo Boost Switcher is the tool for you.
If using Monterey with an Intel® Chip.., you can use both! So go for them, they’re free and choose which one to use, or even both at the same time!.
And of course, you can support by getting any of the PRO versions available, talk to your friends about the apps, talk about your experience below, etc…, really appreciate!