Category: Otras @en

New version features and release date

Ok, so it looks like new version of OSX is coming by the end of this month, so a new version of Turbo Boost Switcher will be released several days after to ensure full compatibility. Ok.., I’m thinking about developing

Turbo Boost Switcher 1.2.0 (Free and Pro) available

Finally, Turbo Boost 1.2.0 is available for download, on two flavours, Free (same as always) and Pro. Get them here from here. The features included on this release are (for both versions): Auto Enable on Exit: When you Quit the

New Version of Turbo Boost Switcher incoming…

Hi everyone! After several months working on other projects, I’m getting back again to Turbo Boost Switcher developments. I’ll release a new version ASAP that will include a patch for the “suspend” bug some of you are reporting, causing the


OMG, It’s been almost a year since the last update. I knew this was gonna happen. The thing is I released a new game for App Store called “Camel Run“, and by that time, I new little person came into

eCrosswords HD available!

Today Apple approved the app eCrosswords so it’s right now on sale at App Store. After several months of development at the end it was released and in less than a day is already on the Top 50 on “Word

eCrosswords HD on its way

After several months of development, the new app for iPad is at the end on its way. Its name, eCrosswords HD. Now you’ll be thinking, “just another crosswords app”, No way!! This app will bring you a totally new way

My First Post

Rubén García’s Blog, J2EE Architect and designer/developer of iOS apps on free time, that is, while the rest of the world is sleeping :).
