TBS New Version – 2.13.0

Hi there!

Here comes another upgrade of Turbo Boost Switcher, both free and pro versions. It contains some new features, specially a couple ones longly requested by many of you.. spoiler…. Apple Script support and New Displays auto mode..!. Keep reading for more info.

  • New Displays auto mode (only PRO): This has been requested by many of you, and consist on disabling turbo Boost when certain number of external displays are connected. In addition you will also be able of disabling Turbo Boost when a specific screen is plugged in. Take a look to the following screenshot for details.
  • Apple Script support (only PRO): With this new release and as a starting point, you will be able to execute some commands from outside using Apple Script. This first approach includes:

    • enabletb: Enable Turbo Boost.
    • disabletb: Disable Turbo Boost.
    • checkauto: Check Auto Mode.
    • uncheckauto: Uncheck Auto Mode.

The following screenshot shows the documentation that you can also check directly from Apple Script Library by dragging the app into it. You can call the commands both with Apple Script and JavaScript depending on your preferences and include the app into your workflows, automations and so on! More commands and data model access coming in the future if this becomes useful to all of you, so let me hear your feedback! :).

You can do a lot of great stuff like adding an option to Finder to disable turbo boost at anytime from context menu or even add buttons to Touch Bar to enable / disable Turbo Boost. I’ll try to release a couple of tutorials to give you some ideas, ideally sooner than later… imagination is the limit!

  • Monospaced fonts at status bar, help update, translations (FREE and PRO)
  • macOS Sonoma supported (FREE and PRO)
  • Other minor fixes and updates (FREE and PRO)

Hope you enjoy it!

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