TBS: Starting macOS Sierra tests…


I’m planning to start testing Turbo Boost Switcher this weekend on macOS Sierra (its compatibility and working / nonworking features) so the app is ready when the OS finally launches this fall. I know for your comments for some of you it works, but other are reporting it doesn’t, so I’ll check by myself since fall is coming!.

Also.., besides a couple of new features and fixes, I’m thinking about releasing a pre-release beta version at reduced price (with a redeem code for the final version) for those brave of you who want to install on your macOS beta…, not sure yet. Just let me know what you think!

And if you have ideas and would like some new specific features…, happy to hear! In example, some guy proposed to display temps in ºC or ºF.., simple, huh? :), this will be available on next version for sure.

As always, thank you for your support!


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