Turbo Boost Switcher Promo Codes

Hi again!

First of all, thank you for your comments and messages about the new version of Turbo Boost Switcher Pro. That gives me strength to keep pushing forward on improving the app.

So.., I decided to launch a give away of 20 promo codes of 20% ($2 effective discount) for the pro version for those 20 first people who tweet something recommending the app to your friends :)… starting NOW! 🙂

Don’t forget to send me a message (through twitter or my email account) with a link to your tweet so I get notified (If you don’t I won’t be able to send back the promo code).

Once reached the limit I’ll send the winners direct messages through twitter containing the promo code. The winners will be also published here for transparency ;). Remember to enable direct messages on twitter so I can send you the promo code (or just follow me, as you prefer).

Edit: No more codes left!!! Sorry! 

Good luck and thanks!


36 comments on “Turbo Boost Switcher Promo Codes
  1. Dmitry says:

    oh ((( No more promo code. Very sad.

  2. Dave Stewart says:

    Here’s my tweet. I guess I missed the promo though? ;~)

  3. Alex says:

    Here you go, hopefully others can find good use of your tool!


  4. Flávio César says:

    Hey there! Great app! Soon i will recommend you on my youtube channel! I’ll let you know!

    Here’s my twitter recommendation!


  5. Greg says:

    Hey there! Here’s hoping you still have some Promo Codes available. 🙂

    I have a Late 2011 MBP, i7 … hopefully it’s compatible.


    • rugarciap says:

      Sure, there are 6 left by now…, just sent you the promo code to your twitter account 🙂

      I suppose it is, but just try the free version first and check by yourself ;).


  6. cw says:

    Really hope this offer is still up and available, just followed and tweeted!

  7. I’d gladly buy the Pro version. But I’m finding even with the new free version that the icon refresh problem is still a problem. Is it fixed for good in the Pro version?

    Also, would a blog post qualify for a discount?

    • rugarciap says:

      Thanks! Sure, it would qualify.

      Regarding the refresh thing, it was just a matter of changing the timer…, please, could you send more info? You can check manually if turbo boost is disabled by running the following command:

      kextstat -v

      If you see a line starting by com.rugarciap…., then the kernel module was loaded succesfully and Turbo Boost is Off.

      Best regards.

      • I need to click “Disable Turbo Boost” twice for Turbo Boost to turn off. I know that it *is* turned off after one click, but I always need to add a second click for the icon to change to Off. I’ve tried waiting, but a second click is always necessary.

        I’m sending an e-mail with a link to my post. Thanks for the discount. And thanks for a great app — it’s a pleasure to have my MacBook Pro running coolly.

  8. Paul S. says:

    Just posted my tweet:

    I don’t often suggest software, but i have noticed an improvement when using Turbo Boost Switcher for #OSX

    Here’s the link:

    • rugarciap says:

      Thanks! I tried to send the promo code but you don’t have DM enabled on twitter. Just enable it, follow me or put me an email so I can send you the promo code. Best!

  9. Thom says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this app! Been trying to keep my MacBook Pro cooler during long daunting tasks (photo processing), and this does the trick!!! Happy to buy the Pro Version, but was hoping for a retina style menubar icon (high res). Any chance of that?

    • Thom says:

      Ok, couldn’t help myself and bought the app. Please put my vote in for a retina version though, looks out of place on my menubar. Fantastic app though, many thanks!!!

  10. Remigiusz Kurtz says:

    Hi. My recommendation “I love Turbo Boost Switcher. Now in v2.0 and also for #OSX #ElCapitan. Thank you @rgarciap Awesome Work!!!”

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