I’m Back (again) :)

It’s been too much time, I know, and sorry for those of you who are waiting for the new version… There is no excuse, but you know.., life, kids, work, sometimes it’s really hard to start working on something at 00:00am and not falling asleep over the keyboard.

But ey!, I’m back and working again. The main reason is that some of you have reported that the app is working fine also with the new version of OSX, so I’ve decided to finish the 2.0 version.

Here you have some screenshots of the current work, with two of the main new features:

Captura de pantalla 2016-05-09 a las 23.28.41

Notice the “Disabled when charger disconnected” option that will do that, automatically disable Turbo Boost if you disconnect your mag safe charger :). As Jobs’d say “It works like magic” and I think it’s very cool :D. This feature will be also available for the free version.

And here you have another screenshot, this time about the option to auto enable/disable Turbo Boost for one app (or a bunch of ones) depending on the order you configure the listing. I think this is cool too. Remember this will be only available for the PRO version.

Captura de pantalla 2016-05-09 a las 23.29.21

The version is almost ready…, just finishing some make-up.

As always, thanks for your patience and support!



8 comments on “I’m Back (again) :)
  1. Jack Fruh says:

    Great to hear that this is still being worked on!

    What changed with apple? I know you were saying earlier they wouldn’t sign the kext – are people just disabling the System Integrity Protection?

    • rugarciap says:


      I’m afraid they just ignored the request 🙁

      But, after testing myself the app runs fine even after re-enabling SIP, I decided to move on and continue the development.

  2. Mattoo says:

    It’s great news that you keep on working on TBS !

    I’m using it on El Capitan also, and suspecting it works (as reported by other users). How can I know if it actually works ?

    It sometimes takes several times to switch if to OFF (it remains on ON even though I click to OFF, but after couple of tries it says its now OFF). The fact that “off” is written next to the icon does it confirms it is actually OFF (i.e.: that it works) ?

    Many thanks and good luck for finalizing v2.0 !


    • rugarciap says:


      Just open a terminal and write this command

      sudo kextstat -v

      If you see a last entry with something called turboboost…, then it means turbo boost is disabled.

      The issue you’re talking about is fixed for the next version…, just an icon refresh problem 😉


    • rugarciap says:

      Thanks to you! 2.0 has been released, fixing some issues and adding new features.

      About how to know if Turbo Boost is enabled or not, just check the FAQs at http://www.rugarciap.com/faqs/

  3. Thiago Queiroz says:

    OMG I’m so excited to install this update on my MacBook Pro Retina. <3

    Can't wait!!

  4. ian says:

    really cool, keep going! I can’t wait to see it : )

    I’m wondering if i have brought pro 1.2, can i update to 2.0?

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