New version features and release date

Ok, so it looks like new version of OSX is coming by the end of this month, so a new version of Turbo Boost Switcher will be released several days after to ensure full compatibility. Ok.., I’m thinking about developing some app for the incoming new Apple TV, but I’ll make an effort to publish this new version.

These are the new features and fixes the new version will include. For those who already have the PRO version, you won’t need to purchase the new one, you will receive the update for free.

Ok, the minimum feature list (thinking about including one of two more) and status are:

PRO only:

  • Cores: Choose number of cores active configuration (Single Core, Two cores, etc). TBD
  • Auto enable / Disable: As many of you have requested, you will be able to configure if you want to auto enable or disable Turbo Boost depending on the app. IN Development
  • Notifications: Whenever turbo boost is auto enabled / disabled, the app will issue a notification if you activate this feature. IN Development

Both PRO and FREE versions:

  • Battery connector: Activate one option to auto-disable Turbo Boost when your Mac battery charged is unplugged. IN Development
  • Fix: Remove output to syslog. DONE
  • Fix: Display icon ok when dark profile is on. DONE
  • Fix: Icon status bar refresh problems. DONE
  • Fix: Problems sometimes when choosing temp sensor. DONE

Just to finish this post, I have received some messages requesting the app to “remember” the root password and things like that. Asking for root password is mandatory, since the app install & uninstalls a kernel module, and to do that you need to be root.

In order to achieve that, the app uses the OSX sdk and services, so depending on your user account and its configuration, you will need (or not) to enter the root password. In my computer (and other confirmed users I’ve talked with) I just need to enter the root password once and, after that, It never asks for it again until I completely shut-down and reboot my computer.

Thanks again and best!

Edit: There was a mistake when posting this entry. Notifications will be of course just for the PRO version, since they will be displayed when Turbo Boost is enabled / disabled depending on auto configuration values. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2 comments on “New version features and release date
  1. Roel Koster says:

    In order to achieve that, the app uses the OSX sdk and services, so depending on your user account and its configuration, you will need (or not) to enter the root password. In my computer (and other confirmed users I’ve talked with) I just need to enter the root password once and, after that, It never asks for it again until I completely shut-down and reboot my computer.
    ===end quote===

    Could you be more specific as to how to achieve this? Every time I open my laptop lid, the app asks for the root password..

    Thanks very much..

    • rugarciap says:

      Just use sudo. Open a terminal and write (replacing the path with the corresponding one where you installed the app)

      $sudo ./Turbo\ Boost\ Switcher\\ Boost\ Switcher\ Pro

      That will run the app with root permissions

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