TBS – New version incoming

Ok, it’s summer again (almost), and I hope to have enough time to release a new version of Turbo Boost Switcher, both free and pro ones. The PRO one will also include extra features not available on the free version.

I’ve received lots of feature requests by email, posts on github or through this blog. Sorry if I can’t answer all of your messages (there’re a lot and I also have to work, eat, take care of my kids…), but I can promise that I read all of you messages.

So stay tuned and thank you again for using the app….and if you want to help and you really like it, you can always buy the pro version 😛


2 comments on “TBS – New version incoming
  1. Carl says:

    That sounds great! Will there be a feature to automatically disable turbo boost while on battery and re-enableing it when a power source is connected? I’d really like that feature since this would increase the battery time and would not effect the performance while connected.

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